Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Starting a blog

How do you start a blog? Like this I suppose ;-)

I am going to ramble about the world of merchandise planning . I may also pass the odd acerbic comment on the related area of financial budgeting.
Stay awake at the back please!
So what happened today then?
Well we got some more consolidation in the industry. SAP just bought Retek for $494 million or $8.55 a share. According to Yahoo finance Retek's share price closed at $6.00 last Friday.
It is interesting to see the way in which the big companies just seem be eating up the smaller ones (Retek small?). Soon we will have one mammoth software company serving one huge retailer - Walmart or Tesco ;-)
And who is next on the takeover list?
Having seen Retek's stock price rise from 6.00 to 8.50 overnight I wouldn't mind knowing who is next in line!


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